How to express ourselves so that others can hear us! My story.

ноември 11, 2018

Hello friends!
Not once did I mention that I was introverted, shy and shy. Or at least I was like that two years ago. By the year I went to live in England, and since then everything has changed for me.

 From this year onwards, I realized that I am a strong and responsible person who can handle all the situations myself.I understand that having an introvert has nothing to do with not speaking and asserting it.Because let me confess, before that I did not speak my thoughts and my feelings.I was afraid. I was not to be understood. I did not want to be rejected.I'm afraid I will not be able to argue and look like a complete fool.Unfortunately life gave me a tough lesson and taught me that I also have the right to vote and it will be heard. But only if I have the courage it has come to the very end.

Today I will share with you a story that I want to prove to you that every evil is paid and that even ordinary people and employees have the right to vote.Voice that is taken into account and has value.After my return from England I went through a difficult period and decided to return to my hometown.Winter came, and I was not a wealthy family and had to start work in a very short time. I was looking for an employment job that was close to home and I was applying.Of course it was below my level, but at this point I did not want to wait and choose because at our end it is very difficult to find a nice and paid job.I started at this company, which I would call "X" as a cashier and worked for several months.Starting up there proved to be one of my biggest mistakes because my boss was one of the most horrible ones I ever had.She was stealing, swearing, not knowing where she was and what she was doing, she was not clumsy, and she did not know how to be a leader and manage people.For my colleagues, I just do not want to comment just saying that what the boss was like and colleagues.One hundred times I was sorry to have accepted, but there was no going back.Inside, however, I had decided that this was not my place, and I wanted to leave, but I just waited for the winter to pass to have more choice for a job.The days were slowing down, but it was time for a meeting that overflowed the cup of my patience and led to cardinal action.Without consulting me or talking in any way, my boss accused me of having harmed a few boxes of cigarettes, which was simply absurd because I had never touched them and could have it I still have cameras everywhere.The very attitude towards me was disgusting in that I did my job in a conscientious and correct manner. And I did not know what I was doing with this attitude.After that meeting I was in a nervous crisis, finally confirmed my decision to leave.But I promised myself that I would not leave things that way, and I would be looking for the rights to the end.Most in this life I hate injustice especially when it is inappropriate and provoked not right.So I filed my request for leaving, but at the same time I collected evidence to my advantage that I can use in the complaint I was planning to make against it.Here I will just make a point that I only filed the complaint when I took all my papers simply because we live in Bulgaria and know what the Bulgarian reality is.The indecision and the fear did not allow me to do it earlier. But I do not want to justify it, so I decided then and did not regret it.When my last business day came and I got all the papers, I filed the complaint with the director of the company "X", who was in Sofia, saying that if anything else, at least I would feel my soul satisfied.It's been several months since I started another job and I happened to see a former colleague we talked about and told me that after leaving my office, they sent a check and fired exactly the people I had described in the complaint.People, I tell you so far, I have not experienced such a great soulful satisfaction.I know that many of you will condemn me for this act, and as much as I convinced you that I am a good and just person you will not believe me, but that feeling of justice that I experienced at that moment was wonderful.This has greatly enriched my spiritual and emotional experience and showed me that justice really exists and that sooner or later everyone gets what they deserve.That is why I will give you the following advice: do not let them "trample" you and harm your feelings.Talk.Talk so that they can hear you. Speak openly without play and pretense.Be yourself and know that sooner or later things will be the best way for you.

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