Hello friends!
The other week I get to 30 years, which is pretty frightening, especially since I'm still alone, but that's another topic.As
I approached my Birthday, I sat down and took a look at all the things
life has taught me, so I decided today to share them with you.
Другата седмица ставам на цели 30г,което си е доста плашещо особено като се има предвид,че все още съм сама,но това е друга тема.
И с наближаването на Рожденият ми ден аз седнах и направих една равносметка за всички онези неща,които животът ме е научил,затова реших днес да ги споделя с вас.
Hello friends!
once did I mention that I was introverted, shy and shy. Or at least I
was like that two years ago. By the year I went to live in England, and
since then everything has changed for me.
Не един път съм споменавала,че съм интроверт,стеснителна и срамежлива.Или поне такава бях допреди две години.До годината,когато заминах да живея Англия и от тогава всичко за мен се промени.
Hello friends!
positive, autumn has its negative side, and every thing and one of
these negative traits are colds and more common diseases.
protect myself from them, I began to drink tea much more often and
noticed only the positive changes that I wanted to share with you.
Освен положителни,есента има и своите отрицателни страни,като всяко нещо и едно от тези негативни черти са настинките и все по-честите заболявания.
За да се предпазя от тях започнах да пия много по-често чай и забелязах само положителни промени,които исках да споделя с вас.
Hello friends!
I have not written such blog posts for a long time, but the reason is that I just had no inspiration.
So far most of the products I've been buying have not impressed me, and those I liked were not enough for a post.
That's why I decided to do a compilation, which will be the topic of today's job where you will find a lot of different things.