The challenge of being organized!
март 24, 2018Hello, Beautiful!Today I will be talking about one of my great shortcomings, namely, my "dissatisfaction."My inability to focus my attention on one thing over a long period of
time has often been a big problem for me, not only in personal and
professional terms.Almost always start a few things at the same time, which in time remain incomplete.And to focus only on one of them, I started to record everything in a glider.I
have been doing this for a second year and I can say that I feel much
more prepared, motivated and inspired to achieve the goals and tasks I
have set myself.
My Planner
I liked the idea that when you open up your glider, you see what you have to do for two weeks.Everything is clear and clearly arranged and you can focus on the upcoming week.What am I doing?During the first few days of the year, like any normal person, I plan what goals I want to achieve during the year.I plan my week mainly on weekends, recording absolutely everything I have to do.I schedule the blog and the time when and what I will sit down to write.Every day I write something inspirational, such as inspirational thoughts, quotes, or just some sentences that make sense to me.So when I open my sailboat I am filled with inspiration and positive emotions.Very soon, in my plans, I also included several changes.I started recording all the books I read during the week, as well as those I wanted to read.The same applies to movies and serials.I also have a diary, because I want to lose weight and start a healthier lifestyle.I have a separate column for my expenses and earnings as well as the bills I have to pay.Every Sunday I spend time analyzing the week and writing my thanks and impressions from her.In short, these are my main "backing" points for the change I want to achieve.I can assure you that the method really works and I already see results from my work.
I would love to have inspired you, at least a little!
See you soon